DALMATIA coat of arms

DALMATIA coat of arms
Dalmatia In My Hart The most beautiful place for a living is my hometown, seventeen hundred years old town SPLIT, capitol of region of DALMATIA ,one of the regions of the Republic of CROATIA ,land with crystal clear blue sea and with thousend and two hundred and forty for beautiful islands, with Dalmatian and Mediteranean cultural tracition. Last hundred years Split is also sportiest town in CROATIA with plenty of champions in almost all sports. One of the oldiest Classic & Sports Car Clubs is established like MG Car Club - Dalmatia Centre, today is renamed in SPLIT Classic Car Club, see web page: http://www.lulu.hr/?file=kop1.php. DALMATIA is perfect place for enjoying in beautyful nature and several National Parcs, also is ideal for Classic Car meetings in all seasons with plenty of interesting itineraryes through country , coast or islands. DALMATIA is one of the historic Romans regions also famous because the imperator DIOCLETIAN was born here and he decided build for himself in his homeland beautiful palace, today it is center of the city of SPLIT. Near to SPLIT is also famous SALONA, Roman´s important strategic point in land of ILIRIC. Between airport and city of SPLIT laying seven middle Ages castels, in fact all surroundings is extremly interesting for a visitors.

nedjelja, 9. rujna 2012.

Oldtimer Corner - presents: Ford OSI v6 20m TS

            1966.  FORD  OSI  V6 20m TS  Coupe  &  Spider
Kratica O.S.I. je izvedenica od, Officine Stampaggi Industriali, zapravo industrijski pogon za izradu limenih otpresaka karoserija automobila i ostalog u sastavu čuvene dizajnerske kuće Ghia s kojom je  posebno europski dio Forda imao tijesnu suradnju...
Abbreviation O.S.I. is a derivative of, Officine Stampaggi Industriali actually industrial plant to produce car body sheet metal pressings and other part of the famous design house Ghia with which particular part of the European Ford had close cooperation ...
 Pogon Stabilimenti Ghia O.S.I. je imao značajnog udjela u proizvodnji karoserija i dijelova za iste u mnogim europskim automobilskim markama, kako sa sportskim predznakom tako i onim privrednim u proizvodnji privrednih vozila...
Production Stabilimenti Ghia O.S.I. had a significant share in the production of parts for the body and the same in many European car brands to sign with sports and those in the commercial production of commercial vehicles ...
 Izložbeni primjerak predstavljen na auto salonu u Genevi 1966., Ford OSI 20m TS Coupe s motorom Ford Cologne 2 litre v6 i opremljen Borrani žičanim naplatcima...
1967. i 1968. godine svi standardni modeli su imali čelične naplatke sa kromiranim poklopcima a opcija sa Borrani žičanim naplatcima uz doplatu se uglavnom nudila uz jači motor, zapremnine 2.3 litre...
In the picture is a model that was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show 1966th Ford OSI 20m TS Coupe Ford named Cologne with engine displacement of 2 liters V6 and equipped with Borrani wire wheels ...     1967th and 1968. thus, all standard models had steel wheels with chrome caps and options with Borrani wire wheels are also optionally offered mainly with larger engine displacement of 2.3 liters ...
Presjek Fordovog motora Cologne (nazvanog po gradu Koln u Njemačkoj gdje se proizvodio), zapremnine 2.0 i 2.3 litre, korištenog u europskim modelima, posebice modelima Ford Taunus, izvedenice sa nazivom Esex  su se proizvodile u Engleskoj i njenim dominionima a imali su zapremninu od 2.5 do 3.4 litre sa sportskim predznakom i modificiranim usisnim sustavom sa Weber rasplinjačima, također je i ispušni sustav modificiran. Ove motore uglavnom nalazimo u modelima koji su u to vrijeme dominirali na trkama turističkih automobila i relijima... Na žalost, niti jedan Fordov Esex motor, nije bio ugrađivan u Ford OSI, tijekom njegove proizvodnje...
Cross-section of Ford Motor named Cologne (named, to the town Koln in Germany where he produced), capacity of 2.0 and 2.3 liters, used in European models, particularly the Ford Taunus, derivatives with the name Esex were produced in England and its dominions and had a capacity of 2.5 to 3.4 liters with sports sign and modified intake system with Weber carburetors, also a modified exhaust system. These engines are generally found in the models that were at that time dominated the Touring Car races and rallies ... Unfortunately, none Esex Ford engine, was built in to the Ford OSI, during its production ...
1967. godine na automobilskom sajmu u Torinu, predstavljen je model Ford OSI spider, derivat iz kupe modela ali nešto skračenog podvozja...  Proizvedeno je svega par komada, špekulira se da ih je svega tri, uključujući i prototip izložen na sajmu u Torinu...
1967th year at the Turin Motor Show, Ford introduced the Model OSI spider, a derivative of the coupe models, but slightly shorter chassis ... Produced only a couple of pieces, it is anticipated that all three of them, including the prototype exhibited at the Turin ...
 Spajder, skladnih linija i udobnog podvozja, po svemu sudeći je imao zakašnjelu prezentaciju i nedostatak sportskog naslijeđa, živahnijeg motora  i konačno, troškovi proizvodnje su očito bili preveliki...
Spider, with harmonious line and comfortable undercarriage, apparently had a late presentation and a lack of sporting heritage, something stronger engine and eventually, production costs were apparently too high ..
U Zadru, pred rat, krajem osamdesetih,  jedan Ford OSI je ležao napušten na jednoj čistini prilično dugo vremena i nitko nije pokazivao interes da taj zanimljivi model skloni u garažu i pokuša restaurirati ... Nedavno sam čuo od jednog člana našeg oldtimer kluba da je jedan Ford OSI u Splitu?  Zanimljiva informacija, koju valja provjeriti, nije isključeno da je to isti automobil iz Zadra ili se radi o površnoj identifikaciji ovog uistinu rijetkog Fordovog kupe modela... Svejedno, veseli naznaka spoznaje da je jedan od ne više od 200 sačuvanih primjeraka baš u Splitu...

In Zadar, before the war, in the late eighties, one Ford OSI was lying abandoned in a clearing quite a long time and no one showed interest to that interesting model prone to the garage and tried to restore ... I recently heard from one member of our oldtimer club that is one Ford OSI in Split? Interesting information that is to be checked, it is possible that this is the same car from Zadar or is a superficial identification of this truly rare Ford coupe model ... Anyway, looking forward to the realization that signs one of no more than 200 surviving copies just in Split ..
Zadnjih nekoliko godina je ponuđeno na prodaju svega par Ford OSI kupe automobila, od toga svega jedan u dobrom stanju, svi ostali su za restauraciju... Neki primjerci su zaista u izuzetno lošem stanju... Dobar Ford OSI ja na tržištu oko 14.000 eura, koji zahtjeva prilično ulaganja i truda da se dovede u "Show Condition"... Za predpostaviti je da če interes za ovim modelom rasti a tako i cijena na tržištu također... Za kra, valja napomenuti da je proizvedeno oko tri i po tisuće komada kroz dvije i po godine proizvodnje a sačuvano ih je do danas jedva dvije stotine... Ovaj podatak, nadam se, usmjerava interes kolekcionara za Ford OSI i u Hrvatskoj i kao dobra investicija u budućnosti...
Last few years has been on sale just a few OSI Ford coupe cars, of which only one is in good condition, all the others are for the restoration ... Some of them are really in a very bad condition ... Good Ford OSI on the market are around 14,000 euros, which requires quite a investment and effort to bring into "Show Condition" ... To assume that the interest for this model and thus be in rise the price in the market, too ... In the end, it is worth noting that produced approximately three and a half thousand pieces through two and a half years of production, and kept them until now barely two hundred ... This information, hopefully, directs the interest of collectors for Ford OSI in Croatia as a good investment in the future ...

Grb grada Kolna su jednako isticala vozila marke Taunus čiji je derivat i Ford OSI sa svojom "Cologne" mehanikom i posebno, pogonskim Ford - Taunus, v6 motorom...
Coat of arms of Klna equally stood out vehicle brand Taunus which derivative is Ford OSI with his "Cologne" mechanics and drive train Ford - Taunus the V6 engine ...



Ovdje su predstavljeni neki od najbolje sačuvanih primjeraka, Ford (Taunus) OSI 20m TS, čije su slike dostupne na internetu i stranicama koje objavljuju prodaju klasičnih automobila...
Here are presented some of the best preserved specimens, Ford (Taunus) OSI 20m TS, whose images are also available on the Internet and sites that publish sell classic cars ...





 Poveznica koja predstavlja neke od dizajnerskih rješenja Ghia, izrađenih u pogonima O.S.I. ...
Link that represents some of the design solutions Ghia, made in the industrial plants of O.S.I. ...
U Americi, ove godine u svibnju, bila je oglašena prodaja jednog Ford OSI preko eBay portala... ali u prilično lošem stanju, za totalnu restauraciju...
In America, this year in May, was advertised sales of one Ford OSI through eBay portal ... but in pretty bad shape, for total restoration ...
Tri Ford OSI automobila, upravo sada su oglašene na prodaju preko portala mobil.de   ...
Three Ford OSI cars right now are advertised for sale through the portal mobile.de ...

Split, 09.09.2012.

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